October 1, 1989
NITEC Corporation was established for the import, export and domestic sale of iron- making facilities and food machinery, with the Tokyo Branch of Nissho Iwai Industrial Machinery Inc serving as the parent company to which the domestic workforce of the heavy machinery operations of Nissho Iwai Corporation was added.
April 1, 1995
The Tokyo Branch of Nissho Iwai Chemimac Corporation was made independent so as to form Nissho Iwai Chemimac Tokyo Corporation, for the purpose of import, export and domestic sales of machinery and environmental-related facilities for the petrochemical industry. October 1, 2000 Nissho Iwai Chemimac Tokyo Corporation was merged into NITEC Corporation, with NITEC Corporation serving as the surviving company.
April 1, 2004
Sojitz Machinery Corporation was established as a result of the integration of five machinery-related companies; Nichimen Machinery Corporation, Nissho Iwai Mechatronics Corporation, Nissho Iwai Machinery System Corporation, Nissho Iwai Chubu Machinery Co., Ltd., and the surviving company NITEC Corporation.